Participants at the British Library codicology masterclass. Photo credit: Zacky Umam.

Flash Presentations from the Workshops


Agus Iswanto (UIN Syarif Hidayatullah)

Copying manuscripts for ritual in mamaca tradition and rokat Pandawa

Mohammad Refi Omar Al Razy (Universitas Padjadjaran) [online]

Local and colonial sources readings: Case study of Hoesein Djajadiningrat in his work Critische overzicht van de in Maleische werken vervatte gegevens over de geschiedenis van het Soeltanaat van Atjeh (1911)

Fauzan Arif Roslee (SOAS University of London)

Reviewing the Sufi curriculum in West Sumatra: A survey of endangered Sufi texts sources from suraus in Minangkabau

Widodo Wikandana (Universitas Indonesia) [online]

Serat Baron Sakendher: Legitimasi wacana colonial di Jawa abad XIX

Rahmatia Ayu Widianingrum (Universitas Indonesia) [online]

Kutika: Definisi, fungsi, dan persebarannya pada abad 19

Michelle Gromek (University of Cologne)

The Algemeene Secretarie in 19th-century Batavia

Widiatmoko Adi Putranto (Kyushu University) [online]

The state of cultural data in Indonesian university libraries


Zakariya Pamuji Aminullah (Universität Hamburg) [online]

Exploring colonial contributions in early preservation of Candrakirana corpus

Fiona Asokacitta (University of Oxford)

Material memory as simulacrum: The case of Lubang Buaya

Raisa Kamila (SOAS University of London)

Going to and being in Kutaraja: A preliminary study on the idea of space in pre-colonial Aceh society through Hikayat Potjut Muhammat

Yusuf Samsudin (University of Oxford)

How can historical materials aid the conservation of Sumatran elephants (Elephas maximus sumatranus) in the 21st century?

Tiara Ulfah (Universität Hamburg)

Manuscript reproduced: The study on the last period of the Malay manuscript tradition of the 19th-century Riau Archipelago

Syukri Rizki (Universität Hamburg)

Determinants of the Acèhnese manuscripts’ fate during the 19th-century Dutch occupation

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